Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Exposing Paranormal Posers Will Not Be Silenced!

If you have followed Exposing Paranormal Posers on Facebook, you would have noticed we have been under fire by those who we expose for being a fraud in the paranormal field. We have also exposed locations and other events that have overtones of paranormal posing.

Freedom of speech, and warning those people who have paranormal experiences have been censored by Facebook. Paranormal posers and their followers have reported back to Facebook on our efforts to bring you information on their shenanigans. Posts and photos have been removed. And all it takes is a handful to keep you from learning the truth.

Now you will find all the information you need here, and uncensored. We will not hold back. We will not capitulate. We will not allow our voices to be silenced. If someone is bullshitting, they will be called out. And we will be the relentless crusaders for truth.

From the Poasttown School fraud, to the lamest "paranormal show" on television now such as "Ghost Hunters", "Ghost Adventures", and "Haunted Encounters", we will give you the most up to date commentary, and information out there. We will work with other outlets who bring to you information that you can use, to avoid being bored, or being hurt.

We are going to be a thorn in the sides of paranormal posers everywhere. We will milk the sacred cow. We will ask the hard questions. And we will go where other dare to tread. The time to deal with the issue of paranormal posing is now. The time for it to end is now. And we need to expose paranormal posers everywhere.

If you care about the paranormal field, it is your duty to help clean it up, and to keep it clean. It may be seen as "paranormal policing" to some. But who else has the intestinal fortitude to ask the hard questions, and seek the truth? Exposing Paranormal Posers have been, and will always be there for you.

Coming in January, the first annual Exposing Paranormal Posers awards called the "Posies" will be given out to "winners" in various categories. And coming in 2013, the new Exposing Paranormal Posers channel will be up on YouTube.

Big things are coming to Exposing Paranormal Posers. Stay tuned, this is just the beginning.......


  1. I am just curious..since I was involved in the paranormal specials done in the 80s by NatGeo and others as well as the show Psifactor which featured a team of Parapsychologists and professors of the same, as well as renowned Bio-medical and Video people ) I agree there are many posers out there..but what credentials do you have that gives you the expertise to decide who's who...not being a hater, just like to know who i am dealing with before I hand out information on the subject that you may not have. Thanks

  2. seem everyone wishes to be in some sort of paranormal TV or radio thse days.. I dont this for two decades and I have seen them come a go..Dont let anyone bring you down..Keep posting about what your doing..Great stuff

  3. Exposure of frauds, fakes, etc helps authenticate what's genuinely legitimate within the paranormal realm. I've had & continue to have experiences so I can speak to the validity that spiritual paranormal experiences do happen.
